Many years ago I was at a drive in movie theater with some friends waiting for the second feature to start when we saw a lighted object in the sky. At first I thought it was a reflection of some other light source, but I could never figure out what it really was. Reflecting on this periodically I consider the many sightings of UFOs and the various explanations from the idea of secret US air force experiments to alien life visiting our planet.
Today I was reading an article about CubeSats “miniature, agile and cheap satellites” https://www.yahoo.com/news/cubesats-tiniest-satellites-changing-way-123230465.html that have been developed for low cost exploration of our Solar System and galaxy. This started me thinking about how we have been exploring Mars, with more expensive but similar unmanned units that allow us to explore parts of the Solar System that would still be unattainable today. Next month we will be launching the Europa Clipper if all goes well to study a moon of Jupiter that may hold life sustaining water.
Now putting these two thoughts together, if there is alien life thriving on a planet or planets around other stars, and if they are as curious as we are, how would they explore the galaxy? It seems logical to follow a similar path for exploration. This or these alien civilizations, if smart enough to have stellar and interstellar space flight would certainly be bright enough to realize that they can explore more space for less money with unmanned satellites, than with actual manned missions.
This line of thinking leads me to the conclusion that unmanned exploration from beyond our solar system would be much more likely to be conducted in a manner similar to how we are now exploring our own solar system. It may not be as adventurous or exciting as science fiction stories I have written and am writing, but it is a much more likely answer. With that in mind do we have secret government projects and knowledge based on UFOs that have crashed on Earth. I have no idea, but it does make the case more likely.