Science and Religion

Science and Religion

Over the decades science and religion have been at odds, if not at war. In my teenage years I thought the more faith an individual had the less logic or scientific mind they must have. In my twenties I put the notion of science versus faith in two separate compartments of my mind, and simply did not worry about it. I’m not so much a scientist as a person with a logic driven mind. I also have faith in God and a greater purpose.

A couple of years ago, the walls between faith and science began to crumble in my mind. For example, is there only one universe? Of course the comics have spent a lot of ink of the multiverse whether DC or Marvel. But philosophers have considered the possibility for nearly three millennia that I’m aware of. This led me to a personal theory merging faith and science: perhaps these universes are like Venn diagrams. If you’re not familiar with a Venn diagram it is usually demonstrated by having two or more circles representing different sets of relationships. Where the sets overlap, the range that overlaps is the commonality between the sets. So what if God created a universe where we reside and has overlapping points where he observes or uses as a conduit to communicate. Its easier to think about than to describe in a few words, but to me it is a point where logic and faith can come together.
Now add to this logic/faith quandary recent discoveries in quantum teleportation, I’ll share the link to the news article I was reading today. The most notable storyline that includes human teleportation is Star Trek of course, which is a means of transporting live entities physically across space. The science element of this has taken a pragmatic (for this century) approach and demonstrated that communication can be simultaneously in two places at the same time via forms of entanglement of photons. This is oversimplified and really the deep understanding of the science is beyond me. But now how can I apply this to my faith? Visions come to mind immediately. God has communicated via miraculous and unexplained means since the beginning of the Bible, but what if it is not so much miraculous as it is science we do not understand. In more recent days as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, things such as the first vision, and other heavenly visions become a matter of understanding the science.

So, for me, science is no longer a barrier to faith, but a means of understanding the realities of faith. Of course there is a danger that when faith becomes knowledge it is no longer faith.
The story related to quantum teleportation is titled, Quantum teleportation has begun to change the world

Have a merry Christmas.

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