For some reason (perhaps to get published) scientists are always hemming us in. We cannot go faster than the speed of light. There is no potable water outside of Earth. Civilization as such has only been around for 6,000 years. Those are just some of the more obvious hems.
Recently investigators have revealed a manmade bridge inside a cave on the island of Mallorca. They are theorizing that this means that cognizant humans occupied the island hundreds if not thousands of years earlier than thought. Interesting guess. The under the sea discoveries of sunken cities and full civilizations we did not know existed expand beyond just theory. When did these civilizations actually exist? Were they earlier, or even the earliest civilizations or are they just earlier civilizations we now know existed. Buried under those cities are there cities even more ancient?
Now we believe that life, as we know it, probably existed on Mars. That there was an atmosphere, that there were above ground water resources, and that there are massive amounts of water buried under the surface of the planet. What if a dying civilization on Mars Martian-formed Earth so that they could flee to that planet as their own planet died? What if, instead of evolving from single celled life on Earth, we are actually immigrants from Mars? It seems far fetched, but is it more far fetched than current scientific theory. And if so, is it reasonable to assume that scientific theory may evolve from one that believes traveling faster than the speed of light is not possible for mass?
Another interesting “theory” about the universe is that it started with Big Bang, 13.8 billion years ago. Yet, now we are finding galaxies over 60 billion light years from Earth. Scientists create theories to explain that away, but simple math implies that regardless of direction there should not be anything further away than 2 times 13.8 billion or 27.6 billion light years. So which part of the math is wrong?
Meanwhile, futurists such as Robert Heinlein, seem to have a better track record (not perfect) of forecasting the future than scientists. I think I’ll vote for the syfy authors who had great vision.